viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015



Elisa Hime Sama: Well, the blog was to have another way to inform and make bigger this love for Miyano. It is a pleasure to be one of the first favorite pages and I say because we are already many who make Mamoru Miyano Fans Latino. Thanks to everyone that enable us to continue growing and thanks to managers because without their support this would not be possible, and well, to keep growing as a page. :)

Hanamizuki: WELCOME GIRLS! I think I'm more excited than anyone for this XD. Happy Valentine's day to all :3 If I had not known of this, I feel an accomplished woman to see everything that is in this blog. SERIOUSLY I'M VERY EXCITED TwT. I'm new here, I have not much time, but I am happy to share my love for Mamo with people who feel the same as me and how beautiful it is TwT. This was an idea of ​​Hikaru, so we should be grateful to her, because she really was the mastermind and she was more concerned that this was to your liking. Thank you very much for the support on the page and I hope you are as excited as I :3. Let loving Mamo together <3.

Hikaru: I hope you read this because it took me time to write it (did not know what to put). Well, I welcome you to our blog -claps- I do not know if everybody remember that at the end of 2014 we wrote on the page that would be several changes and surprises that we would show you gradually, the first change was in administration, to me, our great creator of the page: Elisa Hime Sama, gave me the complete management of all (because she can not stay long time on the page), and here I am sharing everything that Miyano Mamoru gives us from Japan; the second ... we do not take it as a change, but as a new goal, to have more approach with all fans of Miyano Mamoru, since some started to asking in messages and comments that page publications be also in English, looong time we think it because it is a page for Latin America, but, with Hanamizuki already on the page, Eli and she said "Why not?" and that's how the site has grown a little more (girls, without you, the page would still be in Spanish XDD); and the last was the idea of  Eli, and it is this, create a blog where you can find everything you want, we know how it feels to know Miyano Mamoru and suddenly want to have all his songs or watch all his lives (I went through this two years ago XD) and buy or use internet (the economy does not help), spent time searching and searching and sometimes did not find much, in a few years there will be more Spanish-speaking fans that will be in this situation and even now there must be several who are looking -and are reading this-, then the idea is this, that in this space everybody can find what they have spent time looking for, all this of us to all of you ... and I think you are bored ... then, hahaha, enjoy, ask, laugh, opine, because we will do that our love by Miyano Mamoru him back to the world. (And for the love and support reach him, if given the choice, purchase official merchandise, there is nothing cooler than that.)
                   Acknowledgements: I'll always thank Eli for giving me the opportunity to belong to page and giving me their friendship, Eli, you're an amazing person; to Hanamizuki, not have much to we meet, but thanks for sending that message to the page, you are a great support in what we do and a great friend at a distance; to the Mamofans of Facebook XDD those girls who know Hikaru out of the page and always laugh with me, they are great, thanks for the support!; and you, all fans which give growth the page, what I can say you?, we owe you everything, still with us always supporting us with your comments and messages, take care for us, please.
(With this concludes the presidential speech)

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-Staff de Mamoru Miyano Fans Latino